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Entrepreneur Excellence

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Build it right and the people will come... again and again and again.  Our Academies for Entrepreneurship Excellence give you the much needed tools to be successful.  And with nearly 3 decades of practical experience, we believe that we have something to share.   These Services are in group format, one on one coaching, online self directed.  We tried to make it easy.  


In this universe, we also share the "unwritten rules of the entrepreneurship game."  Our Entrepreneur Clients receive a customized toolbox that contains worksheets and templates designed to assist them in building a Sustainable Business Model that expand as the business grows...


Our Consultations and Advisory Services provide you with a "view of the obvious"  from experts who have been there, done that and possess several t-shirts.  


Sessions cover topics such as ...  Click the topic to start your journey


Click here to register for your ON DEMAND CLASSES IN ENTREPRENEUR EXCELLENCE:  The Series

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Building Your Capability Statement

One of the first steps in building your business value proposition is to showcase your Capabilities.  As a professional courtesy, the CMA Team wanted to share a little teaser on "how to" Build a Winning Capability Statement.


Don't have time to sit through a workshop?  Well we thought about that too.  Click on the microphone and "TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL"  by joining our listening audience for our podcast.  

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